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ein englischer brief

ein englischer brief
Brief eines Bayern an die Nasa

Greet God,

I write you, because you must help me. I have seen your space shuttle on television, in color. And so came me the idea to make in the holidays in the world room. Alone. Without my crazy wife.
I am the Kraxlhuber: The king of Bavaria was my clook – clook grandfather.
I stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me. She has a shrill voice like a circle saw.
She says I am a schlapp – tail. She wants that I become Buergermaster. But I want not be Buergermaster . I have nothing at the hat with political shit. I want my ruah. And so I want make holidays on the moon.
Without my bad half.
But I take my dog with me. He is a boxer. His name is wurschtl. So I want book a fligth in your next space shattl. But please give me not a window place.I would kotz you the rocket full, because I am not swindelfree.
And no standing place please. And plaice do not tell my wife that I want go alone. She has a big Schrot – gan. She would make a sieve from my ass.
I need no much comfort. A nice double room with bath an kloo and heating. And windows with look to the Earth. So I can look through farglass and see my wife working on the potato field.
And I and my dog laugh us a branch ( ha, ha ). We will kringel ourseves bevore laughing ( ho, ho, ho )
Is wath loos on the moon ? I need warm weather and I hope the sun shines ervery day. She is very good for my frost – boils.

With friedly

Servus Xaver

gefunden by
Krenn Alois


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(Nutzer gelöscht) 09.11.2010 12:08
soll das lieber willii
bigwilli 09.11.2010 17:01
kater.....was das soll????...schon mal was von "spass" gehört???? oder verstehst DU sowas nicht?? oder suchste nu wen neues zum "ärgern",,,,,ICH HAB ZEIT!!!!!!!!!!!.....nur nicht für humorlose!!!!!!!!!!!!
bigwilli 10.11.2010 14:27
oha...hier nur mal was lustiges reinzustellen,ohne das sich wer "drann stört" scheint wohl nicht möglich zusein....oder sind hier echt alle humorlos und "verbiestert"....wie kommen DIE dann im realem leben klar.....gehn alle in den keller(oder noch tiefer) zum lachen ???
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